Two week - try out!
295 kr
Valid 14 days from the date booked. New students only.
1 Month Unlimited Yoga
995 kr
Drop In
225 kr
Pay only for the class you want to take!
Clip Card (10)
1850 kr
Valid for 6 months.
Clip Card (20)
3200 kr
Valid for 12 months.
Clip Card (30)
4450 kr
Valid for 12 months
3 Months Unlimited Yoga
2800 kr
6 Months Unlimited Yoga
4900 kr
1 Year Unlimited Yoga
8400 kr
Monthly Membership
795 kr
Sign up for a year and pay each month. Purchase in the studio!

Additional Information
Full time students, seniors, unemployed, or long term sick-leave are entitled to 15% discount. (The discount is applied at the studio reception) This discount is not applicable for the 14-day intro and not if you are buying a class card for someone other than yourself.
You may freeze your membership if a medical certificate can be presented.
If you have our autopay monthly membership you may freeze your membership for 150 kr up to 6 months. (Mail us at You cannot freeze the other cards unless, medical situation or pregnancy.
All memberships are personal.