Click the pictures to read more and discover your perfect fit.

Involves moving between different poses and constitutes a good workout. (60 min)

A sequence of specific poses that is very physically demanding and incorporates focus on breath. (90 min)

Slow paced flow through different poses with guidance on how to perform each pose correctly. (60 min)

Targets the deep connective tissue in a slower more meditative session focusing inwards on your mind and sensations. (60 min)

A practice that blends the benefits from Yin, focusing on the mind, and Yang that focuses on strengthen the body. (60 min)

Activates your spiritual energy which involves chanting, singing, movements, and breathing to move through your different chakras. (60 min)

Senior Yoga
Rörelseglädje har funnits i alla tider och i alla åldrar.Med en mjukare yoga som är anpassad för seniorer, väcker vi upp rörelseglädjen och nyfikenheten samtidigt som vi blir starkare och rörligare. Vi får bättre balans,hållning,ökar ryggradens rörlighet,stärker vitaliteten,ökar lungvolymen och mår bra i kropp,sinne och själ.Senioryogan är anpassad till varje enskild individ och många olika alternativ visas.Dessutom stärks vårt välmående utav gemenskapen vi bygger!Pris: 10 kort 995:- (måste köpas i studion) Drop in 120: Behöver ej förbokas!

Rocket Yoga Lev 1
Rocket Yoga is a modification of the traditional Ashtanga Yoga and was put together by Larry Schultz, who studied Ashtanga Yoga under the expert K. Pattabhi Jois for nine years in Mysore.Rocket Yoga is a dynamic and fast-paced flow of yoga. The structure maintains that of Ashtanga Vinyasa, consisting of a warm up (Surya Namaskar A + B), after which one continues in the standing poses, seated poses, and ending with the traditional closing series. Another key quality of the Rocket Yoga System is the "Art of Modification," encouraging students to make their own interpretation of the traditional asana and can remove or modify binding postures that tend to cause students to get stuck in the traditional series.

High intense intervall training with a system that combines Pilates and a powerful whole body workout. (60 min)

Gentle Flow
Gentle Flow is a slower paced flow class, incorporating gentle stretching and strengthening movements, allowing us to move with greater precision and awareness and using the breath the help calm the mind.This class is suitable for all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners. (60 min)

More Core Vinyassa
More Core Vinyasa focuses on building strength and understanding of the core to help build stability in our yoga practice. The classes are dynamic and great if you are looking to build strength.This class is suitable for all levels and it Is fun! (60 min)